วันจันทร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Week 1
English Reading Strategies

What did you learn in this class?
- introduce the course 
- Today  I leaned about A healthy diet. It’s about healthy food and unhealthy food, After that , I leaned about No more junk food. Instructor gave to read about it and answer questions about it. I did find easy about its divide healthy food and unhealthy food.

What this you find easy?
I like to learned in unit 1. This unit is very easy for me. It easy to understand and I can do the exercise. I like this unit because I can show how to make something.

what did you find difficult?
I think unit 9 and unit 10 is very difficult for me because I can't understand the text and they use many words. I can't find a discourse marker and I don't know meaning of the word. I can't do the exercise. I have many problem with unit 9 and unit 10.

What did you solve the problem?
My problem is not good English skill, vocabulary and can't translate the text. I always improve myself. I have to read book and practice. When I have fee time, I will make it.


    Sometimes I feel bad in this subject because It very difficult for me. I can't do the exercise and test. My point in midterm test very bad. So sad:(  I try to improve myself and read a lot of book.
    Sometimes this class made me enjoyable. I like to study because My teacher is very kind and relax. She is the best . This class is in my memory.